2025 USBCHA National
Sheepdog Finals

Alturas, California
Tues, Sept. 30 - Sun, Oct. 5, 2025

Thank you for you interest in a vendor booth at the 2025 USBCHA and ABCA National Sheepdog Finals, Sept. 30 – Oct. 5, 2025, at the Lazy Spade Ranch, west of Alturas, CA.
Booth space will be available in our vendor tent to select suppliers of products and services related to the theme of the trial. Dog supplies, ranch and farm supplies, ranch and farm equipment, appropriate arts and crafts, and clothing would fit this type of audience.
Booth rental will be $150 if paid by April 1, 2025, $175 if paid by June 1, 2025, and $195 after June 1, 2025, for the entire six days of the trial for a 10’ x 10’ space in one of the tents. Contact us for details if you require an outside space (trailer, equipment, car dealers, etc.).
Each booth rental will be supplied two 6' rectangular folding tables. Additional tables may be purchased for $20 each.
Exhibitors in the trade show will be frequently mentioned in our promotional efforts. We anticipate a sizable crowd on hand for this event and look forward to having a quality trade show of impressive size.
Booth space will be allotted on a first-come, first-serve basis. All booths must be approved by the Trade Show committee. Booth payment does not guarantee approval of your vendor application; if the Trade Show committee declines your application, a full refund will be provided. The deadline for space reservations is August 23, 2025.
For questions, contact our Vendor Chair, Susan Cooper, at 775-427-4436 or desertduty@yahoo.com.